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Raiding on Twitch is a fantastic way to support fellow streamers, build community, and spread positivity. This feature allows you to redirect your viewers to another channel at the end of your stream, giving your audience an opportunity to discover new content creators. In this guide, how to raid on twitch we'll walk you through the steps to execute a successful raid on Twitch.


Step 1: Choose Your Raid Target


Before you begin, decide which streamer you'd like to raid. Consider factors such as similar content, audience size, and personal connections. Make sure their channel aligns with your community's interests for a seamless transition.


Step 2: Announce the Raid


Towards the end of your stream, announce your intention to raid the chosen channel. This gives your audience a heads-up and allows them to prepare for the transition.


Step 3: Type /raid in Your Chat


In your Twitch chat, type "/raid" followed by the channel name of the streamer you're raiding. For example, if you're raiding a channel named "NewStreamer123", you would type "/raid NewStreamer123" and hit enter.


Step 4: Review and Confirm


Twitch will display a preview window showing the channel you're about to raid. Take a moment to review the channel and ensure it's the correct one. If everything looks good, click the "Raid Now!" button.

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